Tuesday, December 29, 2015

All about authenticity

Here we are saying goodbye to another year.  For me this also means I am ending my themed year. My 2015 themed year was of authenticity and awareness.  I am sad to say goodbye and excited about all I have learned about authenticity and awareness.  Awareness and authenticity naturally work together to allow us to work to be who we truly are as opposed to who we or others think we are.  I find that this is a constant struggle and we have to constantly make decisions based on what we know to be right and what others may be calling for in a situation.

This constant struggle between being who you are and who you are expected to be calls for using courage and curiosity all the time.  It takes courage to go against the status quo.  It takes courage to find common ground and compromise.  Whichever direction you choose, it is important to stay curious about your responses, reactions, and reasons for coming to the decision you ultimately make. The combination of the ability to be curious about yourself and engage in courage to follow through with decisions can only drive you deeper in authenticity.  Using courage and curiosity raises your awareness of yourself in order to feel your true authenticity.

I also find that when you are deeper in authenticity, you make decisions easier.  I feel strong enough in who I am to know what I need and what my capabilities are.  I feel strong enough in my boundaries to be happy with my yes and no.  One of my favorite beginning practices that were influenced by my themed year is embracing being more than doing.  I find that when I choose being, I am more present which has opened up more positive possibilities for me.

I don't think it is a coincidence that courage and curiosity were a previous themed year for me.  It led me to authenticity and awareness.  (Drum roll)  And now it is leading me to the year of the ying and yang, living in ambiguity.  I welcome what learnings this will bring in 2016!  Thank you all for taking this new adventure with me.  More to come in 2016!

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