Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A holistic view

I have always loved Maya Angelou's quote, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."  It can be difficult to live out the quote when you want to remain optimistic about relationships long term.  The expectations that we put on family members and others we know so well are often not realistic.  Everyone's speed to their journey is so different, everyone is not prepared to really see themselves in the mirror.  I mean really see themselves in the mirror.

When you look in the mirror, do you really see who you are?  The reflection in the mirror does not tell the entire story, does it?  There is more to one's self besides the physical, one hopes, right?  We live a lifetime so we can know ourselves deeper than the surface.  The thing is not everyone is willing to take that deeper journey.  Naturally, you choose the pace of your life and have to make decisions everyday, every moment.  When you don't like what you find beneath the surface, take it as an opportunity to grow and develop.  If you can't take a long hard look at yourself, how can you judge and be fully honest with others?

I have always believed in a holistic view of a person.  All elements whether the body, spiritual, mental, emotional  or cultural health can be explored and transform a person.  I believe all these elements work hand and hand to make up the essential foundation of a person.  We have a lifetime to see and witness different parts of that reflection we look at in the mirror.  We have a lifetime to explore and grow the different angles and the different viewpoints that get reflected back to us.

How do you engage the parts of yourself that you consciously shy away from?  How do you allow for your different elements to work together so you are proud of and embrace the current reflection in the mirror?  As we enter winter, I think these are some great reflective questions, we could ask ourselves.  

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