Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Save Yourself

It is good that we are always hearing the message we are the leaders we have been waiting for. Although it has to combat the constant opposite message that younger generations are taught of being rescued. This fantasy still exists in the fairy tales and movies that circulate our libraries and theaters. We all have something unique to contribute to the world.

In Amy Cuddy's book, Presence (Bringing your boldest self to your biggest challenges), she describes the way power can help us be present. If you feel powerless, you are not as present as if you felt powerful. She describes how the many who feel powerlessness look for external validation and tend to get self-absorbed. The elements of presence include confidence, comfort level and passionate enthusiasm.

Like me, you may have been introduced to Amy Cuddy from her TED talk. She highlighted the wonder women pose and explained how the body can influence the mind. She simply explained how getting into a power position (like the wonder women pose where you put you hands on your hips) before you go into a situation where you may feel uncertain or exposed, can help build confidence yielding the better outcome.

Save yourself by building your internal power. Know who you are. Make decisions with confidence and peace. This is being comfortable in your own skin and in your power. This will allow you to be more present and more of not only who you are but also who you hope to be.