Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Laugh with me

I guess my soul is sensitive.  I find that when I watch, witness or hear about traumatic situations, they can stay with me  longer than I would like.  Knowing since I was a child that shaking off such ideas and situations does not come easy for me, I choose to avoid them as much I can.  I elect not to watch horror movies.  Lucky I made it through Halloween.  It has proven hard to avoid.

I have never been one to scare myself either.  The thrill of the amusement park came and went while I was a child.  I guess it is the excitement and thrill of the adventure.  I prefer to laugh instead.  Laughing is the best free medicine.  It can be a goal of mine, sometimes.  After I have had a lot of heavy emotions run through me, I find ways to release it with laughter.  My strive for balance helps bring it in.

Light-hearted moments keep my heart open and balanced.  I laugh about and to myself all the time. There are so many other benefits to laughing.  I love it when I am laughing so much to the point of almost crying and how my abs get a workout.  I love it when I am laughing and not thinking of anything else.  I love how laughing can make me feel better and positive.  When was the last time you had a good gut retching laugh?

I am grateful life does not always call on us to be super serious.  Learning to add playful elements into your life seems to get more challenging as years go by.  As adults we need to incorporate play time into our schedules.  I challenge you to schedule such time.  Look for that great comedy movie or show, spend some time with some children, they can certainly remind you of how to play.

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