Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The hunger to be

I have been reading the book, Hungry: The Truth about Being Full by Dr. Robin L. Smith.  It is great for a foodie like me to take in the metaphor of being full.  For me, it describes being at peace with yourself and what that may look like.  Dr. Smith shares her process and how her hunger continues to impact her journey. 

As a seeker, I am always hungry.  Hungry to explore and see what I am led to.  Hungry for opportunities to be the best self I am able.  Certainly, hungry to be all of me most of the time.  As the book points out, "the truth is we are all craving to be who we were born to be, and our souls are crying, "I'm dying to be me." 

The hunger pains can be difficult.  I know at times I avoid going into battle and choose to go along to get along.  I admit I have my moments when I let life get the best of me.  We have so many layers going on among all the "isms," responsibilities, and making it through the day.  As my seeker quest expands and fulls in more of my life, I choose more often to be the turtle against the hare and take things slow and steady.  I feed myself more often than not with knowledge, artistry, culture as well as with affirmations, stillness and movement.  Although, hunger is a constant, I look to fill myself up with positive and healthy items.  I strive for balance in life as much I strive for a balanced meal.

What are the things you crave in life?  How and why do you fill yourself up?  As I mention from time to time, detox your beliefs and release those that no longer serve you.  As Dr. Smith states, the truth is: "it is costly to ignore and deny yourself."  If you are not getting full, take a moment to look at what you are filling yourself up with. 

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