Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Time perception

The whole concept of time is fascinating to me.  How and why time may move slow as opposed to speed by is experienced by everyone.  Some who study the brain would say that time slows down when you are focused on something specific.  Others who study the brain would say that time is related to how we process the information that is coming at us. 

My sense of time has left me and I am okay with that. It feels like time is more of a friend to me, now.  I feel like my sense of time is different now because I am more present in each moment.  The past and future feel very close to the present.  I speak of things that happened years ago and it feels like yesterday. 

I wonder if this is all happening because I have learned how to focus better.  I can be in the now, easily.  I know with time, we don't sense it like our five senses of taste, touch, smell, seeing or hearing.  Time is perceived and I guess my awareness of how I am perceiving it is different, lately.  As years move, I appreciate presence more.  I go with the flow and enjoy the present moment. 

Perhaps this is also a sign of my increased ability to let things go and practice non attachment.  I find that this practice allows me to be more grounded in myself which invites me to be more present.  How do you stay grounded in yourself?  How do you keep your mind from racing?  What is your perception of time?  Do you know how to slow time down for yourself?

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