Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Compassion, the virtue

There is a heart meditation that Deepak Chopra leads that invites the words, peace, harmony, laughter and love to vibrate with your heartbeat.  We need more of these sentiments in the world today.  In this fear based society where violence lurks, we need to bring more kindness, compassion and love to light.  Martin Luther King Jr. captures it in the quote above. 

I talk about small acts of kindness often with this same intention.  We all can play a part in making this world a loving and peaceful place.   Make acts of kindness a priority in your life.  Start with yourself, do something kind for yourself, everyday.  I bet you can think of ways to be kinder to yourself, easily. 

I like to highlight compassion because I believe this will bring out the small acts of kindness.  Compassion sets up the stage for connection and correcting misunderstandings.  This is probably why we admire Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi so much.  They embodied compassion in a way we do not usually see.  Let's admire them and practice the lifestyle at the same time.  What kind act will you do for yourself today? 

Talking and other forms of healthy release help reduce violence.  Acts of kindness and compassion contribute as well.  Making that connection with someone, particularly when they feel isolated, and/or alone can make a difference.  As Mother Teresa reminds us, "Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless." 

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