Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The being and the doing

I don't think we talk about the difference between being and doing.  For the most part, we are all about the doing and getting things done.  For me, allowing myself to be enables me to get the doing part done more efficiently.  Now it is faster for us to communicate and we have so much power in the palm of our hands, doing is such a natural, rapid process.  Here are some reminders of how to instigate the being part of ourselves:
  • Time out: when you really want to focus on something, it is okay to turn off your devices.  I even schedule silent time some mornings and entire weekend days.
  • Practice non-attachment:  Do something off schedule, take a different route home, fit in something unplanned
  • Take in the small things:  Feel the wind on your face, soak in some sun, check out the sunrise and/or sunset
  • Sit in stillness: When you need a moment, take it whether at work or home. 
  • Create something: write, paint, draw, creativity is such an inspiration. 
When I go with the flow of things and follow my instincts, I often surprise myself and come upon a happy accident.  I believe in one of the philosophies from the book, the New One Minute Manager by Spencer Johnson and Ken Blanchard, "People who feel good about themselves, produce good results."  For me the being and the doing can go hand in hand.   

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