Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Many masks, many hats

The many masks, the many hats we wear remind me of Halloween. A lot of us live in the dualities we face everyday. I have never really understood the tradition of Halloween and where it came from. Even as a child, I was not interested in putting on and/or creating a costume. I had a hard enough time being myself and learning who I was. I am not sure that I can say that I have ever put on a costume for Halloween. I am usually handing out candy to the neighborhood kids costume free.

What message are we sending kids about Halloween? I certainly can appreciate the creativity and playfulness behind it all. Are we teaching our kids to put on a mask and get rewarded? Are we teaching kids to hide behind masks? I have witnessed some meanness on the train during Halloween, kids thinking they are having fun and people are getting hurt at the expense of them hiding behind masks. Could we spread and send a message of give and take?

I should not take it that seriously and at the same time there are many messages that are subtle and unconscious that stay with us for a long time. Should we start talking to our kids about the many layers of ourselves and how we wear many hats, many masks? I am a daughter, sister, aunt, friend, neighbor, co-creator, author, community building, observer… I can go on and on. Perhaps we can use Halloween to encourage children to explore different parts of their selves. It tells a lot about a person which costume they choose, and/or if they make one.

As adults, perhaps we should explore the masks we put on and why? I think most of us know, going in to different situations what parts of ourselves, we need to be armed with. There are different roles we need to play, that changes with circumstance and awareness. Our roles may expand and contract, either way we learn and grow. What costume are you choosing this Halloween? What mask/costume would encourage the strength of who you are and what you need now?

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