Tuesday, October 14, 2014


I attribute restlessness and rushing with outward influences. You worry about expectations, about time and about keeping up your reputation usually when either comes up. You look good with a list of accomplishments, right? Yes would be the common answer. Let me ask a follow up question. Does a list of accomplishments mean you are happy? Would it guarantee happiness? Doing something just to do it can feel so empty and purposeless. When you take action with intention with knowing your goals and targets; you probably will feel accomplished, and proud and joyful too.

This is the battle with restlessness. It takes time to decide what you would like your target(s)/goal(s) and intentions to be. Be kind enough to give yourself that time. When you feel the urge to charge in and take action; you probably should step back and ask yourself why do I want to do this now and how does it serve me in this moment?

We all have seen the signs of restlessness like when you second guess yourself, when you rush a project/goal, when the uncertainty is extremely uncomfortable, when your mind is running 100 miles per hour. A lot of times, this is happening because you are not connecting with yourself and your true thoughts but taking only into consideration the opinions and feedback of others. . Look to the body in these matters. The body provides clues to our emotional centers. I believe physical ailments are emotional indicators. A cold usually invades someone who is feeling overwhelmed and probably should slow down and ask for help.

When you are in a restless state you might be having a hard time getting focused and/or having a challenge with quieting your mind. When trying to meet a deadline and tackling a long to do list, take it one step at a time. Trying to take on all the items at once will not work.

What grounds you? What can you do to eliminate distractions? How can you raise your awareness when you need to step out of the restless state? What allows you to listen to your true self?

I believe restlessness withers away the more you step into yourself fully. This is what a holistic approach to leadership is all about. In my journey, this has meant accepting all of who I am, even the parts I want to reject and deny. When there is a level of acceptance, you know the areas you want to work on. Being honest about your strengths and weaknesses can help you navigate the choices you make in your life. This level of awareness allows you to transform positively and move closer to who you can truly be.

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