How I got over myself: strategies for effective leadership and teamwork.
Practicing selflessness is such a key skill in the leadership world, today. This does not mean you need to give up yourself, it just means that you give yourself with service and focus on the greater good as opposed to reacting and responding to your needs alone. I have witnessed first hand how effective it can be when apart of a small team focused on a huge goal. It was such a great experience; I do my best to create it over and over in everything I do. It is simple for me; it comes down to caring for my team members while focusing on the greater good of a shared project with meaningful goals. I am not suggesting abandoning your personal goals rather align them with the betterment of the team in order to reach common goals.
Selflessness is something you have to practice. The largest internal struggle to overcome in order to get over yourself is being able to put your ego in check regularly so you can clearly hear your inner voice and whispers. It is like one of the key steps Maslow describes in his book, Farther Reaches of Human Nature, step 5 in reaching self actualization is, “identifying your ego defenses and finding the courage to give them up.” My intention as always is to guide you through some exploration so that your mind opens to new ideas and you build your capacity for making clear intentions for yourself in moving your journey forward in the best way you are able.
More people are getting over themselves than you would image. Through conversation and interaction with others, I see the search for greater meaning and being more purposeful in life. The most difficult times in life seem to be when we are disconnected from each other and from spirit, our true selves. Working on ourselves and especially on how we feel about ourselves is ongoing. Naturally, the ego does not help much. Here are some ways I get over myself and minimize my ego:
- Everything is NOT ABOUT YOU. I practice the four agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz; one in particular is “Don’t take things personal.” He goes on to explain, “Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves. All people live in their own dream in their own mind; they are in a completely different world from the one you live in.”
- Stay present and focused. I mediate and practice mindfulness with the intention of being more present in the moment everyday. Through this practice I am able to make decisions with confidence and hear “gut-feelings” clearly. My instincts feel spot on and at times it feels like I move with magic.
- SURRENDER. Again this helps to be in the present moment as opposed to dwelling too much in the past and/or future. My attempt to let go more and more moves me to set new intentions, regularly which allows for a clear focused path to move along.
- Why take yourself so seriously? Again this reminds me that everything is NOT about me. It also adds some playfulness which we as adults could use more of in our lives. I am okay with laughing at myself and having realizations about my being and actions.
- Set mindful intentions. Setting intentions brings clarity and consciousness to what you hope to achieve. Certainly this helps with motivation to achieve goals by being your most authentic self.
Getting over yourself will lead you to a greater sense of oneness which is the essence of teamwork. Teamwork is the most meaningful strategy in leadership today, so get to it people! I did and I felt the benefits.
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