Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Where is the Love?


Love is so powerful and yet LOVE is not well defined.  Everyone has their perspective not only how they love but also how they want to be loved.  Naturally, we have been taught from our life long relationships and from modeling our parents, the first relationship we watched up close from the front row.  Consciously or unconsciously we internalized and carry out what we witnessed. 

Love is a feeling and one of the purest emotions.  It is permanent and the ways it is shown changes from person to person and situation to situation.   Being permanent particularly when we talk about unconditional love, you are loving someone no matter what.  It doesn’t mean that you stay together for long even when a commitment was made.  My parents tried to stay together for the seek of myself and my sisters.  It taught me that marriage is different from LOVE. 

For me, I spread love and light through kindness.  It also connects to acceptance.  If you accept me fully, you are showing me unconditional love.  You love without expecting anything in return.  Unconditional love is quickly associated with the love a parent has for their child.  As human beings, we really try hard to apply this permanent feeling to more than just our children, we hope it between friends, lovers, partners and biological family. 

The love languages show us how we express and hope to receive love from others.  Be grounded in LOVE, you can’t go wrong.  What’s your favorite expression of LOVE?  Notice how easy or challenging it is to bring into different situations with different people.  Let’s see WHERE is the LOVE?  It should be everywhere, seek it out and bring it in. 

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