Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Language of Intuition

"Like an ability or muscle, learning your inner wisdom is strengthened by doing it."- Robbie Gass

I am always exploring how to articulate what is most hardest to. Feelings, emotions, inner transitions, struggles, and breakthroughs. With leaders, researchers and writers like Brene Brown, Judith Orloff, Deepak Chopra and many others I have been able to collect knowledge, words and build a stronger foundation for my journey and how to share it.

In additionally, now I can thank my monthly women's group for exploring language that helps express intuitive clues. I have always known that my mind is like working any muscle. This is why I mediate, it is like training for a mental marathon. What I learned was about the enteric nervous system. Some refer to it as the brain of "the gut." Sometimes we just know things and a lot of people attribute this to their gut. We hear things like, "I got this feeling." "This does not feel right to me." "When you know, you know."

Science backs up claims that we operate under two systems. On controlled by the left side of the brain is slow, analytical and a conscious way of operating. The other controlled by the right side of our brain is quick, instinctual and often a subconscious way of operating. You hear people say, "You are all left brain." Do you know when you need to pull from the other side?

I think we are just scratching the surface on intuition. I do try my best to go with that good feeling. What does a good feeling, look and feel like to you? I work at listening to my truest and genuine feelings. Make no mistake, it is work. Work to get to the core and underneath it all to that true feeling.

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