Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Ready, set, goal

It is the goal setting time of year. Are you hitting that reset button and getting ready for the New Year? Are you coping or strategizing? Are you moving closer to your life’s vision? What are the smaller steps you need to formulate to get there? Here are some steps that can assist you with reaching your goals and even setting them.

1. Start with the end in mind. What is your vision? Visualize yourself where you want/ how you want to be.
2. Work with what you have. It is interesting how we overlook ourselves and our skills. Start from the inside out instead of the outside in when developing and setting your goals. Use your experience and knowledge you already have.
3. Keep a positive attitude. Perseverance and patience is what we need to call upon when working toward goals. Although it can be frustrating, keep your eye on your target. Things may not go as smoothly as we plan and preparing allows you to be flexible.
4. Take smaller steps to your larger vision. To stay accountable, make sure you reevaluate your priorities from time and time and ask yourself is this getting me closer to my ultimate goal?

What you focus on grows. Stay focused on what you want. Once you have set your goals. Put them up on your vision board, on the fringe, and other places where you can see them all the time. The theme of my year keeps me focused (Look for that blog post if you have not read it yet; my themed year). You are also in control of your schedule. Make sure to make choices that make time for the goals you set. I try not to do everything at once. I like working up to a goal by taking one step at a time with those smaller goals being reached first.

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