Tuesday, December 2, 2014

My themed year

This is the time of year to reflect and see what has been working. At least, I think this way. We have arrived at the last five weeks of 2014. This is the time to sit with, “what do you want?” However you choose to explore questions like these, this is the time. I like to start the New Year with focused intentions and clear thoughts. Ask yourself, “What do I want more of in my life?”

Clearing up your thoughts, allow you to decide on what you would like to zero in on in the year to come. I have a few more blogs to go to make a year anniversary. For me, I set a few new goals for the year and then others come naturally. My goal last year was to blog once a week and now I am almost at 52 weeks. What will be your top priorities for the year to come? How do you see yourself in 2015?

Sit with these questions so you can ring in the New Year with clear and focused intentions. For the last two years, I have let themes drive my year. In 2013, my themed year was faith and forgiveness. In 2014, I have been focused on courage and compassion. I have let a new theme arrive for 2015 and will reveal it, shortly. These themes have helped me stay focused and have encouraged truth and self discovery. I welcome you to invite your own themes into your life.

As you reflect and sit with the most pressing questions that can clear up your path for 2015, record what comes up. Whatever speaks the loudest and is consistent is what you need to pursue. My theme for 2015 will be awareness and authenticity. I am looking forward to raising my awareness and digging deeper into my true authentic self. This will keep me balanced, if you follow this blog you know that I have defined balance as staying on your path.

How do you prepare for 2015? What do you need to do to get ready and make room for the new? Naturally, making physical space helps make room. Clear out your closet and give away what you don’t use. The book Simplify your life by Elaine St James is a great book for slowing down and enjoying what you have in your life and how to clear up space for what is really important to you.

Another great way to end the year is to make a joy and meaning list. What brings you joy? What brings out meaning in your life? Make a commitment to carry out the lists throughout the New Year. Well, again there are just weeks left in 2014, ready for 2015? I know I am getting ready.

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