Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Compassion Movement

I would like to highlight another powerful leading lady, Karen Armstrong. A former nun, she has written several books on religion. Her study of religions has brought to light the common practice of compassion. She continues to bring communities together to practice and spread compassion around the world.

There are not many global movements that I am aware of like the movement for compassion. Karen Armstrong has led the charge with her 2008 Ted Prize wish and books like Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life. She shares real strategies that make this movement a reality, all can engage in. This global movement highlights the significance of dialogue as opposed to debate; cooperation as opposed to competition. It infuses more balance between the masculine and feminine deeply rooted in the simplicity of the reviving of an ancient Golden Rule; “Always treat others as you’d like to be treated yourself….Don’t do to others what you would not like them to do to you.” To read and sign the charter for compassion, go to charterforcompassion.org.

Spirituality has been embraced particularly though the popularity of practices like yoga and meditation. The practice of compassion should not be left behind. The awareness of how acts of kindness positively affect others and those who carry out such acts out is rising. This is what compassion is all about. It is about the awareness and recognition that everyone has struggles. Be mindful that when you are having a great day, there may be others that are not.

Compassion is a great display of emotional intelligence. You must be open to other people’s emotional state and at the same time be aware of your own. Then you get to test your response ability. It also brings oneness into our daily lives by reminding us that when we come across someone in the middle of their struggles, we have our own; how do you want to be treated in such a moment? It is not about taking on other people’s struggles rather being receptive to what others may be feeling at the same time where we may be having a different feeling. It is about respecting what others are going through and taking care of oneself at the same time.

I invite you to live a more compassionate life; not only being compassion toward others but also to yourself. Through faith and forgiveness, feelings can move toward healing. You must forgive yourself when you are not so compassionate and try to stretch next time you have a hard time connecting with what others are going through. Remember that you have been there yourself in some kind of way. It will open up your heart space. I invite you to engage in random acts of kindness. Let a person know when they have a great smile and/or wish a person a great day. It will do wonders for your state of mind and you just might brighten up someone else’s day too. These are great small & simple steps toward making a more compassionate world.

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