"Woke up an optimist, sun was shinin', I'm positive."-Kanye West from song FourFiveSeconds. Optimism is certainly easier as the spring and summer seasons approach. Seeing light reminds us of the light in ourselves and all around. Deciding to be an optimist is a choice. It is about wanting and attaching kind and gentle life lessons. We make the choice of what to believe. What you say goes, so why not say something positive and beneficial to all.
I have always had a tendency for positivity. It has made all of the difference in my life. Whether it is being open to a smile of your own or others. It has enabled me to learn from every situation, encouraging the life long learner in me. Optimism is simply good for your health. When you feel good and think good thoughts, good things happen and continue to be attached to you. Smiling and laughing are contagious. Being positive can be too.
Being positive can start with a smile. It starts with what I call a proud, "yes." This is when you are so confident and secure in answering yes to a question someone asks. "Yes" can sound better than a no when you are so sure of it. Of course when you are confident in a "no", that feels good too.
Welcoming more positivity in your life can begin with saying no to things/activities and people you know you do not need/nor want in your life. Make room for more positive people in your life. Avoid gossip and bad mouthing others and avoid spending too much chunks of time watching news. News can be hazardous to your health. Instead pick up a hobby, explore and enjoy! As Eleanor Roosevelt shared, "Do one thing that scares you, everyday." Let's warm up our thoughts like the weather.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
My artist date
I actually have been in the practice of artist dates for some time now. I just did not have the language. For me, artist dates are about exploring new things on my own. I like my company enough to go on solo expeditions. At times, I prefer to do so in order to experience myself fully without judgment of my emotions and other parts of myself that may come up. Some of my favorite artist dates are just simple movie dates.
"Creativity lies in paradox: serious art is born from serious play."-from the Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. After reading both the Artist's Way and the Joy Diet by Matha Beck, making a conscious intention to integrate play regularly into my life is a mindful task. On one of my artist's date, I went to a Sesame Street exhibit. It was so much fun to see all of my favorite Sesame Street characters on display like Bert and Ernie, the Count and cookie monster. I witnessed how Sesame Street is experienced all over the world and watched an episode from London. You could even draw your own muppets. It was nice to see that I was not the only adult enjoying myself. There were other adults there that were childless at the time.
So artist dates are described as assigned play once a week where you explore something that interests you. As Julia Cameron describes it, "The Artist Date need not be overtly "artistic"-think mischief more than mastery." It is about encouraging creativity and imagination and refilling your creative well. For me this allows for play, inspiration and regeneration. Everyone needs all of these elements in their lives. On the Artist's Way blog there is a list of 101 ideas of how to spend an artist date. I encourage you to google it, if you are interested in starting the practice.
Another creative method assigned in the Artist's Way are the morning pages. I definitely engage in the morning pages, my blog is a direct result of such. For me, this is my dedicated time to writing. Spending some time on your own to reflect and have fun is good for your health. How are you spending some personal quality time? How are you regularly renergizing yourself?
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Just smile
It is a joy to realize how much Mother Teresa spoke of smiling. She has been quoted saying,"We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do," one of my favorite quotes. A smile does a lot for me, I can only imagine how it may uplift others. Mother Teresa has left us with other quotes like, "Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person; a beautiful thing."
In honor of National Poetry Month, the following is a poem I have written about smiling:
For all those who have called me Smiley and have asked why I smile-
I smile
For the life
For the breathe
For waking up
For what’s next
I smile
For the joy within my heart
For the love I receive
For the love I see
I smile
For those who can’t
Because of fear
Because of noise
Because of peer
I smile
For the moment
In full presence
For the memories I love
and let go
I smile
For the power
For its truth
To reach every
Cell and particle
With this truth
I smile
For the joy
For the beauty
For the world to enjoy
I smile
For the child
For the pure
For the cure
I smile
For those who hurt
For those who forget love
For those who need a hug
I smile
To attract another smile
To attract love
I smile
Because I feel
The world smiling back at me
Don’t you see?
By Clarissa Mendez
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