Sunday, July 11, 2021

Personal growth


How do we begin on the path of growth?  Thinking outside the box is a popular and well used phrase.  How do we practice it?  The phrase emphasizes creativity, freedom and invites innovation.  We all strive to be better at what we do.  How do we open ourselves us to doing things differently from time to time and welcoming new information that matches where the work is in the moment. 

For me it helps to try something new as often as you can.  Expose yourself to all that the world and life has to offer.  I have committed to trying something new at the start of my new year (birthday)- at a major milestone I went skydiving.  At first everyone agreed to go with me.  In the end I did it on my own and that was okay- I had made the commitment and I didn’t want to force anyone to take part in something I had desired to do for myself.  It was such a liberating experience. Dropping through the air with not a care in the world.  It was so fast, I  wanted to go again as soon as I my feet were back on the ground.  I am sure I will do it again just to have that liberated feeling again. 

Traveling the world also opens me to different perspectives.  I have learned so much from my exposure to the diverse ways people live their lives.  Here in the US, there is such emphasis on work and in other countries, I just observe how people are living life- working to live not living to work. 

For personal growth’s seek, ask yourself how you open yourself to new ideas?  How do you raise your awareness to know when things might need to be different or change?  How do you tap into your creative mind and come up with fresh and innovative ideas?  How do you identify activities or programs that help you get into your creative state of mind?  

Monday, July 5, 2021

Regulate, regulate, regulate


I know my parents did their best to raise me and I have turned out pretty good if I say so myself.  What I have learned from the trauma informed approach is that I was never a cry baby as I was labeled as a child.  I was crying out to be regulated emotionally by my parents and my needs were not always met.  Any infant/toddler has to rely on their parents to meet their every need.  One of my favorite memories from childhood when was I would crawl in between my parents to sleep and my dad would just shower me with kisses then rest his rough cheek on mine.  He would always ask how the beard felt against my face-the prickly short hairs never bothered me. 

Regulation is key for balance and to stay in tune with yourself.  Taking a wholistic approach has shown that the following are helpful to engage in on a regular basis:

·             Physical activity

Rhythmic movement provides that same regulation that the heart beat provided when you were in your mother’s womb.  This can include walking, dancing, and listening to music. 

·             Connection

This means going beyond exchanging texts and emails.  This means being fully present with everyone and especially love ones and like minded people.  Make time to connect regularly with your “soul” people. 

·             Time

Take however long needed to feel your feelings.  Also to process situations with others, it’s your timeline not theirs that should be followed.  When you are ready and feel safe, then you can decide whether you will respond and how.