Monday, May 3, 2021

Let's be whole



I wonder how much attention is being put on our emotional experiences right now.  When the world is ending, how can people be thinking about what is happening inside of themselves.  Like we learn from Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Our basic needs of food, water, shelter, air, sleep and sex need to be satisfied before thinking about personal security, friendships, respect, strength and being the most that one can be. 

The structures of inequities have trained our brains into thinking that we have to compete against each other and claw though the many people just to win a tiny, tiny piece of a piece of pie.  The worst part is this was happening while everyone needed to isolate.  Now we should look to positive psychology as we start to transition out of our isolation comas. 

Managing our emotions, practicing self-care and being healthy are among the many positive practices everyone has had to take a closer look at over this year and moving forward.  Positive psychology plays a role in my everyday and it became clear during these challenging times.

“Positive psychology is the scientific study of what makes life most worth living” (Peterson, 2008).

Positive psychology is simply assisting us with focusing on our strengths.  Let’s build on the good in life instead of reacting to only the bad parts.  We do that naturally most of the time anyway.  Work on all the parts of the self-care wheel to get closer to being whole.  The better we are the easier it is to welcome and be prepared for more good things. 

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