Tuesday, June 7, 2016

What rules your world?

Our worlds are dominated by thoughts, messages and how we decide to move from moment to moment. Whatever thoughts you give power to, show up in your life and being. In the second Sex and the City film, the main character Carrie explores what it is to make your own rules in a relationship. I would like to take this one step further and explore how rules operate in our lives. What rules do you put on your life? I use ground rules with groups I work with. Other than that instead of rules, I ground myself in key values that I live by.

Being dominated by rules and to do lists can be limiting if you think about it. If you transform these rules into healthy, regular habits you won't always have to list out what you know to be true. In my last women's circle meeting, we talked about BIG feelings like JOY, PEACE and FREEDOM. These feelings can not be achieved with restriction and over planning. That is why we say we have to bend the rules sometimes. Make space for allowing to happen.

What do you often think about? What thoughts dominate your world? What are the rules you struggle with? What are rules you feel the need to set often? Show yourself some compassion by letting go of the rules that are not helpful in a given situation. We are hardest on ourselves so practicing self compassion is necessary. You are after all the only ruler of your inner world.