Tuesday, December 29, 2015

All about authenticity

Here we are saying goodbye to another year.  For me this also means I am ending my themed year. My 2015 themed year was of authenticity and awareness.  I am sad to say goodbye and excited about all I have learned about authenticity and awareness.  Awareness and authenticity naturally work together to allow us to work to be who we truly are as opposed to who we or others think we are.  I find that this is a constant struggle and we have to constantly make decisions based on what we know to be right and what others may be calling for in a situation.

This constant struggle between being who you are and who you are expected to be calls for using courage and curiosity all the time.  It takes courage to go against the status quo.  It takes courage to find common ground and compromise.  Whichever direction you choose, it is important to stay curious about your responses, reactions, and reasons for coming to the decision you ultimately make. The combination of the ability to be curious about yourself and engage in courage to follow through with decisions can only drive you deeper in authenticity.  Using courage and curiosity raises your awareness of yourself in order to feel your true authenticity.

I also find that when you are deeper in authenticity, you make decisions easier.  I feel strong enough in who I am to know what I need and what my capabilities are.  I feel strong enough in my boundaries to be happy with my yes and no.  One of my favorite beginning practices that were influenced by my themed year is embracing being more than doing.  I find that when I choose being, I am more present which has opened up more positive possibilities for me.

I don't think it is a coincidence that courage and curiosity were a previous themed year for me.  It led me to authenticity and awareness.  (Drum roll)  And now it is leading me to the year of the ying and yang, living in ambiguity.  I welcome what learnings this will bring in 2016!  Thank you all for taking this new adventure with me.  More to come in 2016!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A holistic view

I have always loved Maya Angelou's quote, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."  It can be difficult to live out the quote when you want to remain optimistic about relationships long term.  The expectations that we put on family members and others we know so well are often not realistic.  Everyone's speed to their journey is so different, everyone is not prepared to really see themselves in the mirror.  I mean really see themselves in the mirror.

When you look in the mirror, do you really see who you are?  The reflection in the mirror does not tell the entire story, does it?  There is more to one's self besides the physical, one hopes, right?  We live a lifetime so we can know ourselves deeper than the surface.  The thing is not everyone is willing to take that deeper journey.  Naturally, you choose the pace of your life and have to make decisions everyday, every moment.  When you don't like what you find beneath the surface, take it as an opportunity to grow and develop.  If you can't take a long hard look at yourself, how can you judge and be fully honest with others?

I have always believed in a holistic view of a person.  All elements whether the body, spiritual, mental, emotional  or cultural health can be explored and transform a person.  I believe all these elements work hand and hand to make up the essential foundation of a person.  We have a lifetime to see and witness different parts of that reflection we look at in the mirror.  We have a lifetime to explore and grow the different angles and the different viewpoints that get reflected back to us.

How do you engage the parts of yourself that you consciously shy away from?  How do you allow for your different elements to work together so you are proud of and embrace the current reflection in the mirror?  As we enter winter, I think these are some great reflective questions, we could ask ourselves.  

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Book Club

Folks always ask me what I am reading, probably because I am always reading.  I can thank my undergraduate and graduate education for this.  I learned how to read multiple books at the same time.  I am grateful for this good, continual habit.  As a life long learner, I crave knowledge, live in curiosity and love to explore.  As a writer, words inspire me and are so much fun to play with.

Right now, I am in the middle of Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic and Keith Ferrazzi's Who's got your back.  I recently completed Gloria Steinam's My Life on the Road and Brene Brown's Rising Strong.  I enjoy biographies and books that explore creativity.  I enjoy exploring deeper parts of myself and books that encourage ways to bravely look inward.  Reading and writing makes great room for reflection and growing. 

What would your book club look like?  As a coach and trainer, I always get asked about book recommendations in corresponding areas.  I have leadership, management, coaching and life book favorites that I am always recommending.  I also have creativity and writing favorites, too.  I do have loyalty to favorite authors, happily looking forward to their new books. 

If you follow this blog, you probably can see what I am reading just by my mentions and what I highlight.  I reference books and articles that I am engrossed in all the time.  I have a short list of what is to come for me, I am looking forward to Shonda Rhimes' Year of Yes, Brigid Schulte's Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play when no one has the time.  and Kevin Powell's biography, The Education of Kevin Powell: A Boy's Journey into Manhood. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Recently, it was great to spend a day on #selfcare with experienced non profit professionals who work and/or have worked with youth.  One can speak to self care in so many ways.  We explored the holistic layers of emotional, physical, cultural and mental health.  We explored how emotional triggers can take us on a deeper journey.  We explored the challenges of being of service and working within larger systems.  We also explored making concrete plans of #selfcare.

It was great to see that workshops dedicated to #selfcare were well attended.  Participants were open and ready to explore how to better navigate care strategies and work challenges.  What does self care mean to you?  How do you make space for yourself and your needs everyday?  How do you balance your commitments and putting yourself first?  How do you show up for yourself everyday?

I believe in developing healthy habits.  This is the way I practice self care.  Nobody knows yourself like you do.  I know that emotions embed themselves in my hips.  This is one of the reasons why I love and do yoga.  I like to be focused and to do that I need to clear my mind.  This is why I love and do meditation.  This is a habit that helps me prepare for the day.

I guess now is a great time to decide on what new practices you would like to take on for the new year.  I am not one for resolutions instead I enjoy implementing new routines for 30 days.  What is a new practice that would support you right now?  Make the commitment and get to it!